Over the last few years, we have been so blessed! We were thrilled to be free from our mortgage debt in March of 2021, far ahead of schedule. And shortly after, we were able to move ahead on some sanctuary updates with chairs, carpet, and a new altar – all installed within a 2-week stretch in April of this year. Those projects were only accomplished because of the incredible generosity of the people of this church!

Now, we are hoping to turn our attention to a few other building needs, as there are some spaces in our facility that have needed repair and updating for quite some time, but have been set aside in favor of larger needs. We’re finally able to begin saving for some of those updates, so we wanted to make you aware of our plans to begin using our Building Fund to address them. The main areas of focus will be our chapel and parlor, as well as finishing some work in the office wing’s central air system. (See reverse side for more details.)

If you’d like to contribute to this effort, you can indicate “Building Fund” on any gift via offering envelope, or via our EasyTithe online giving platform. As funds become available for use, we will be excited to begin tackling these projects!


Chapel ($10,000 – $15,000)

• Replace worn/damaged carpet

• Install energy-efficient windows

Parlor ($2,500 – $5,000)

• Replace worn/damaged carpet

• Remove wallpaper, repair/paint

• Replace ceiling fan with light fixture

• Remove A/C wall unit and repair wall

• Mount TV for small group use

• Update lighting / sconces

Church Signage ($500 – $2,000)

• Install new signage to improve way-finding and hospitality

Air Conditioning ($15,000 – $22,000)

• Complete installation of central air to the north office-wing (east side only). Includes parlor, five offices, copy room, and food pantry.